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Posts Tagged ‘Pre+Post Adoption Support’

A Full Circle of Support

Stephanie and Michael Mann

From their earliest days dreaming of and discussing growing their family, Stephanie and Michael Mann knew they wanted adoption to be part of their story. In 2018, they began pursuing intercountry adoption. And with the help of a Show Hope Adoption Aid grant, they welcomed home their son, Estiven, from Colombia, in August 2019. “Estiven…

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Hope for Ukraine


Since late February, Show Hope—our staff, supporters, and donors—has joined much of the world in fervent prayer over the war in Ukraine. We have watched in sorrow and horror as the lives of the innocent and vulnerable have been taken and threatened, and while the Ukrainian government and people have stood strong in unity, the…

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COVID-19 and Its Impact on Children

COVID-19 and Its Impact on Children

It has been two years, this month, since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. While the immediate effects have certainly and tragically been known, we have yet to begin fully grasping the long-term or lasting effects of COVID-19. As we consider the impacts on countries, societies, economies, political structures, and the…

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What’s Coming at the Hope for the Journey Conference 2022

Hope for the Journey

“[This conference is for] pastors who are ministering to families and their kids, pastors who want to put action to their heartfelt desire that their churches are safe and welcoming places for families that are from different types of backgrounds. It’s for staff who organize ministries and events that serve both groups inside and outside…

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5 Helpful Adoption Resources

5 Helpful Adoption Resources

Whether you are considering adoption as a means for expanding your family, in the midst of the adoption process itself, or have welcomed home a child(ren) through adoption, you are not alone on this journey. Perhaps you need insight on the most basic questions about adoption or maybe you are researching opportunities in regard to…

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6 Helpful Medical Care Resources for Pre and Post Adoption

Medical Resources for Adoption

Many children who have been orphaned live with medical care needs, with limited access to adequate health resources. And once home, rising medical costs and access to treatment can be overwhelming for families. However, there are helpful medical care resources available to families—both pre and post adoption. The following six are a few to get…

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Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers

Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers | The Eldridge Family

“Self-care” is a popular concept in our culture these days. Businesses of all kinds are pushing the idea to “treat yourself” to the forefront of marketing campaigns. Everyone from your favorite blogger and social media influencer to your therapist and physician are recommending you make time and space for self-care. But as a parent or…

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Understanding The Gospel and TBRI®

The Gospel and TBRI®

God created us to be in relationship—at peace within ourselves, with him, and with others. And yet, with the fall of mankind into sin, we now experience the pain of broken relationships and the vulnerability of isolation. This is the painful reality for many children who have been impacted by abuse, trauma, loss, and/or neglect. …

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Understanding TBRI® Correcting Principles

Understanding TBRI Correcting Principles

Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is a care model designed to help meet relational and developmental needs of children and youth impacted by trauma. TBRI considers the whole child—his or her brain, biology, behavior, body, and beliefs—and provides parents and caregivers with practical tools and insight to help their child(ren) reach his or her highest potential.…

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