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Special Prayer Focus: Ashby

When Ashby was 10 months old, he was admitted into our Xinyang Care Center as a very sick little boy. He was quickly brought to Maria’s Big House of Hope for further testing and care, and by God’s grace he has survived. Ashby had a complicated urinary condition that was the cause of many of…

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January Prayer Focus: Tanya

Tanya is a charming 9-month-old that was admitted to our Zhengzhou Special Care Center when she was just 2-months-old. It has brought our staff great joy to watch her grow, learn how to play with toys, and see her shy but delightful personality develop over the past several months. Her adorable smile has won over…

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3 Ways Children Can Care for Orphans

3 Ways Children Can Care for Orphans

In Matthew 19, Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Through his ministry here on earth, Jesus welcomed children and shared with those who would hear the importance of their value and place in his kingdom. As parents, we can…

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