Spotlight Child: Milla
In the spring of 2014, a sweet girl named Milla was welcomed to Maria’s Big House of Hope when she was 6 weeks old. Upon her arrival, she was diagnosed with visual impairments.
Now 2 years old, Milla is a delightful, cheerful girl. Watching her grow has been an honor and a great joy.
Several months ago, Milla was transferred to the Beijing Care Center, and is currently doing very well. She recently started attending the preschool there and loves all the fun activities she gets to do. The opportunity to learn and play in a preschool setting is both beautiful and important, as it provides a space to create memories as well as learn important skills. Milla and her classmates recently battled the summer heat with a pool day, and her face lit up as she splashed around in the water, being even more talkative and bubbly than usual.
Milla radiates love everywhere she goes. She cuddles up with our staff and also enjoys being tickled. Her beautiful giggle really is a glimpse of heaven. You can also find Milla smiling when music comes on or when she is sung to. She loves to clap along and will sometimes dance too.