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March Prayer Focus: Daniela

In the winter of 2013, a cheerful little girl named Daniela was admitted to our Xinyang Care Center. She was diagnosed with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease. When Daniela arrived, she was very weak due to her heart condition. Under our care, she has been able to receive heart surgery and is now much stronger.

Daniela is now a very active three year old. She loves to play and imitate those around her. She especially loves to dance, and will begin to move around the room as soon as music is turned on. Daniela is very animated and enjoys waving and blowing kisses to her friends and nannies.

We are so thankful that we have had the privilege to care for Daniela. Please keep her in your prayers, as she will hopefully have her heart tested within the next few months. We pray that the results will show a healthy, strong heart. We also pray that Daniela will one day know the love of a forever family!

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