Letter from Mary Beth Chapman
Dear Friends,
As trusted partners and supporters of Show Hope, we want to share some important things happening in our Show Hope family. It’s with sad, but hopeful hearts that we are saying goodbye to our Executive Director, Scott Hasenbalg, as God has called him into a new season of work and ministry. While it is hard to see him leave, we are confident in God’s leading and expectant for all that He is doing in Scott’s life as well as in the Show Hope family.
After much prayer, Scott resigned his position at Show Hope and is moving into the area of social entrepreneurism. We know that God will use him mightily there just as He has used him in the work of Show Hope. For over a decade, Scott stewarded the ministry of Show Hope in his role as Executive Director. He has faithfully served the Board of Directors, the Show Hope staff, and the Show Hope family with Godly leadership. Scott’s presence will be missed. He and his wife, Kerry, will always be a part of the Show Hope “tree” as their roots run deep into the Show Hope beginnings. We are grateful for the many contributions he and his wife have made both to this ministry and to us personally.
Knowing that God is faithful in all things, and His ways higher than our own, when Scott shared with us that He sensed God calling him into a new season of work, we knew that God surely had a plan for Show Hope as well, and we began praying as to what that might be. As we have prayed for Show Hope, God has provided a clear answer. After seeking counsel from Scott himself and from our Board of Directors, we have offered the position of Executive Director to Mike Hamilton, a current second term Show Hope Board member. A man of deep faith, Mike has extensive experience in leadership and development, serving 26 years in intercollegiate athletics at Clemson University, Wake Forest University and the University of Tennessee. Mike’s heart and skill set have most recently been in use serving as the President of Engagement at the nonprofit organization, Blood:Water Mission.
As an adoptive father of five, Mike shares the same heart that beats at the center of Show Hope. Mike and his wife, Beth, have felt for some time that God might call them to be part of “setting the lonely into families”, and now they believe, along with us, that God has ordained this transition in ways that go beyond all we could ask or imagine. Just as Scott and Kerry have prayed and feel called to a new work, Mike and Beth have prayed and feel called to the work of Show Hope. Mike’s youngest daughter is named Kalu, which means “get the word out”, and that’s exactly what Mike has been doing as it pertains to the orphan crisis since 2009. Now at Show Hope, Mike will continue to use the gifts God has entrusted to him to bring hope to some of the millions of orphans worldwide who need someone to “get the word out” on their behalf. We welcome Mike with great anticipation as we walk together into this new and exciting season for Show Hope.
We ask that you pray for Scott and Kerry Hasenbalg and their family as they move in this new direction; that God would light their path. Please also pray for Mike and Beth Hamilton and their family as they make the transition into this new roll at Show Hope.
We wanted to share this news with you because we value you and your partnership with us. We ask that you pray for Show Hope and the many children that we will have the opportunity to serve in these coming years. May the “Father to the fatherless” pour out His love and grace into the lives of many through our work, and may He anoint and bless Mike Hamilton and the leadership of Show Hope as we follow Him into the good works He has set out in advance for us to do.
Because God has it all,
Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman
Vice President and President, Show Hope