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June Prayer Focus: Monty


In the fall of 2014, a baby boy named Monty was welcomed to Maria’s Big House of Hope. Monty is now 1-and-a-half years old and is a sweet, active child. When you enter his room, you are sure to find him cuddling with nannies or moving around in his walker, and he always has a big smile on his face.

Recently, Monty has enjoyed playing in the brand new playroom. He especially likes to sit in the ball pit and throw the balls back and forth. With the warm spring weather, Monty also enjoys going outside with his friends and observing his surroundings.

Upon his arrival, Monty was diagnosed with a liver condition and a blood disorder. We are hopeful that Monty’s liver condition and blood disorder remain stable the next few months.  Please join us in praying for Monty’s health and that he will one day know the love of a family!


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