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November Prayer Focus: Meet Kathleen

Kathleen is a darling 2-year-old, with a beautiful smile and an even more beautiful spirit. Since arriving at Maria’s Big House of Hope with a diagnosis of congenital heart disease, we have seen this sweet girl blossom. Now living at the Beijing Care Center, Kathleen spends her days strolling the halls with her nannies, playing…

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October Prayer Focus: Meet Sam

Meet Sam! He is a fun and spunky 3 year old with so much love to give. We are so smitten with him, and we’re delighted to introduce you to him. Sam’s thoughtfulness and joyful spirit is a light in the halls of the Beijing Care Center. Since receiving surgery to repair his cleft lip…

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September Prayer Focus: Meet Amity

To say that Amity is joyful would be an understatement! This sweet girl just turned 8 years old and we couldn’t be happier to have her in our care. She greets everyone who comes into her room and gets so excited when she sees her friends. Amity started preschool recently and she has a blast…

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August Prayer Focus: Meet Laihda

Meet Laihda! She’s full of sunshine, giggles, and joy, and we’re thrilled to introduce you to her. Laihda is a determined and spunky 5 year old. She amazes us every day, and we love watching her become more and more adventurous. Laihda is the life of the party. Zumba dancing with her nannies is one…

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An Open Letter: ‘Thank You, Show Hope’

My birthday this year goes down in history as one of the BEST so far! We spent the morning home schooling with my girls. It was calm and productive, which in my world right now is a huge success. Then we were off to volunteer. Yep, you heard that right. Volunteer. I’m not really a party…

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Show Hope Gives Adoption Aid Grant To 5,000th Child

SHOW HOPE CELEBRATES BY HELPING THEIR 5,000th CHILD RECEIVE A GRANT AND FIND THEIR FOREVER HOME! Since they opened their doors just 12 years ago, Show Hope, a nonprofit organization founded by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife Mary Beth for the purpose of caring and advocating for millions of orphans worldwide, is celebrating a…

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A Word From Mary Beth Chapman: Glimpses of Goodness

May is always a difficult month for the Chapmans. It reminds us of what is missing, or broken if you will. Maria as most of you know, went to be with Jesus on the 21st of May, 2008. Since that day, May always presents itself with the dread of anticipating “the day”. Our family always…

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A Word from Mary Beth Chapman on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is here! The act of selecting just the right Mother’s Day card for my own mother got my already constantly swirling and whirling mind spinning with thoughts even more. Mothers…they come in all shapes and sizes (I think I’ve been them all) and all mothers are on their own journey unique to them.…

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