April Spotlight: Meet Keegan
In light of upcoming changes to Show Hope’s Care Centers program, Show Hope will continue to share updates from the Care Centers in China in alignment with our involvement with New Hope Foundation and fulfillment of our 2019–2020 agreement ending June 30, 2020. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support.
To learn more about upcoming changes to Show Hope’s Care Centers program, we encourage to read this blog post from our Founders and Executive Director.
This is Keegan. We’re grateful for the opportunity to share some of his story with you. Since coming into care in the summer of 2019, Keegan has been a bright spot at Maria’s Big House of Hope. It is a blessing to know and love him.
Like any 5-year-old, Keegan rarely runs out of energy and often spends his days playing with toys and making his nannies laugh. His favorite toys to play with are balls of any shape or size, but he especially loves the rubber ones that have grips for him to hold onto more easily. You can typically find him with one in each hand, if not two! Keegan’s nannies know him well, so whenever he leaves his room to go to preschool or the playroom, they let him take his favorite ball along.
Keegan was born with cerebral palsy and is quite the fighter. He is determined and playful, which makes his time in physical therapy not feel like work at all. His therapist complements his strength often, and they love to play and giggle together.
Keegan faces the world with great tenacity and bravery. He holds our hearts, and our prayer for him—and so many others—is to someday soon know the love of a family through adoption. Will you join us in praying for Keegan?