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1 Month. $350,000. 45 Children & Families. 

Every year, thousands consider adoption, but the financial barrier remains the largest obstacle between waiting children and families.

But … Show Hope.

In 2003 … 20 years ago … Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman dreamed of helping 100 children come home to the love of a family. Yet for most families, the financial barrier seemed too great to overcome. 

Fast forward to today, and that dream has blossomed into Show Hope, helping more than 8,400 children home to the love and permanency of a family through an Adoption Aid grant.

This month, we humbly invite you to consider joining us in raising $350,000 in Show Hope Adoption Aid grants

With our grants ranging from $6,000 to $10,000 each, $350,000 would allow us to award some 45 families with the financial support needed to help welcome home their children. That is literally more than 1 child per day in the month of April.

What better way to celebrate and honor 20 years of Show Hope than locking arms with us through a financial gift to our cornerstone Adoption Aid grants work? 

We know we will get there but not without you.

Meet the Families

Herring family

Herring Family

Adopting From India

Receiving a Show Hope grant means the world to our family! We are both teachers on a limited salary, so we weren’t sure how we would ever raise the money, but God is proving to us that He will provide! There aren’t enough words to possibly describe how thankful we are to the donors and supporters who made this grant possible. I hope they understand how important their role is in changing the lives of these children!

Herring family

Yee Family

Adopting From Hong Kong

This grant was a total surprise to us and reminded us again of God's hand in this adoption. He is opening the doors as we reach them. His will is larger than anything we can ever know. We pray that every step of the way will be pleasing to him and bring glory and honor to his name. We do not know you, nor you us, but we have an almighty God before us all who knows what is to come and what lies ahead. Everything is so much bigger than just you and me. Thank you for your willingness to move forward in faith, and we pray that God will bless you abundantly and fully. May his will be done through your good works.

Murphy Family

Murphy Family

Adopting From Kyrgyzstan

It is hard to put into words how much the Show Hope Adoption Aid grant means to us. We would not be able to pursue adoption without the generosity of others. The barrier between what we felt like God was calling us to and us actually being able to do it financially felt so massive. Yet the Show Hope Adoption Aid grant has been a way that God has clearly said to us, “I’ve got you. I’ve got this sweet daughter you’re waiting for. I will provide and protect.”

Murphy Family
Wooten Family

Wooten Family

Adopting From Bulgaria

Adoption is so important to us but financially inconceivable without help. Show Hope's Adoption Aid grant was a way for us to seek that provision to do what we felt God was calling us to do. Adoption is so expensive, but there is help available, including the work Show Hope is doing to support families. We believe that God equips those he calls, so we should not be surprised when he provides in a network of ways that shows us his abundance and care for his children.

Wooten Family
woller family

Woller Family

Adopting From Burkina Faso

Our Show Hope grant gave us hope for adoption, and we are so thankful. We knew the financial impact, but with the process being long and having to renew files, applications, fingerprints, and home studies, we became discouraged that the price would keep increasing. We are so thankful for Show Hope. We are in awe of not only the financial gift but also the encouragement, resources, and prayer covering our adoption journey. It takes a village, and we feel the love from Show Hope.

woller family
Jones family

Jones Family

Adopting From the U.S.

We know that not everyone is called to adopt. So for those who are able and willing to give financially, you are helping make it possible for those who feel called to adopt. We are so thankful for those who are willing to give to make adoptions possible. And to those considering adoption, don’t say no to adoption because of the financial aspect of it. Help is out there, and people are so gracious and generous.

Jones family
Corbett family

Corbett Family

Adopting From the U.S.

When the Lord initially called us to adoption, one of the biggest fears we had was not having the funds needed to adopt. God has shown himself faithful to what he calls us to through the generosity of so many! Receiving the Show Hope Grant has helped us move forward with confidence and excitement, knowing that we now have everything we need to bring our little one home! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity. We can't wait to meet our little one and tell them about all the wonderful people who helped them get here to our family.

Corbett family
Smith Family

Smith Family

Adopting From Thailand

Several years ago, we adopted our twins through international adoption. Not knowing what God had in store for us, we thought our family was complete. But God kept urging and nudging us toward adoption again, and when we trusted his plan for our lives, he blessed us a second time with a match of a beautiful baby girl. We are so incredibly thankful for all that Show Hope has done, not only through their financial support of our family’s adoption but also through their prayers and support throughout our journey.

Smith Family
Norman Family

Norman Family

Adopting From India

To the many donors and supporters who make this grant possible, we pray, “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). We sing praises for how he has stirred it in your hearts to be faithful with the resources he has bestowed upon you. We look forward to being good stewards and continuing a heritage of obedience to Jesus. 

Norman Family
Privette family

Privette Family

Adopting From the U.S.

After experiencing a disrupted adoption and then rematching fairly quickly, adoption expenses added up more than expected! Show Hope helped lift that burden from us, and it is allowing us to focus more on being prepared to welcome home our newest addition so soon! We really can’t put out thanks into words to the donors and supporters who made this grant possible. Knowing that we have your support as brothers and sisters in Christ is such a huge blessing. You will forever be a part of our family! 


Privette family
Kemper Family

Kemper Family

Adopting From India

Receiving a Show Hope Adoption grant means so much to our family. I wish I had a video to show you the moment we opened the award letter. I yelled with excitement and exclaimed to our 6 -year-old son that God had just provided the money needed to bring Baby Sister home. He responded by jumping and praising God, running out the door and down the sidewalk yelling, “Thank you, God!” At the beginning of this journey, we were encouraged to not let the financial challenge of adoption keep us from stepping out in faith. It was a struggle at times to trust the Lord in this way, but through Show Hope, he has proved himself faithful and completely capable. 

Kemper Family
Kemmerer Family

Kemmerer Family

Adopting From India

I don't think there are any eloquent words or phrases that I could use to really show our appreciation and gratitude for what Show Hope has done for our family. It has felt extremely uncomfortable to step out in faith and ask you all for something that we knew would be impossible on our own. It has been a blessing and an incredibly humbling experience to see how the Lord has used Show Hope to give us the financial ability to grow our family through adoption.

Kemmerer Family
Grady Family

Grady Family

Adopting From Hungary

After two years of financing international adoption on our own, we realized we could not do it all on our own. The costs seemed never ending, and the finish line seemed out of sight. The day after we saw Steven Curtis Chapman in concert, we received a letter from Show Hope giving us a grant. I cried reading the letter because not only of the financial burden that it lifted, but it literally showed us hope. That we were not alone on this journey and that complete strangers through giving to Show Hope supported our adoption. It gave us fuel to keep going, to keep fighting and pursuing our child around the world. 

Grady Family
Orndorff Family

Orndorff Family

Adopting From India

We are truly overjoyed and blown away by the generosity of Show Hope in awarding us an enormous grant for our adoption! The team at Show Hope and the donors to this cause are truly doing amazing kingdom work! It’s humbling to be recipients of such a beautiful outpouring of support that represents God’s heart for orphans in our world. Our family is unbelievably grateful for this grant, and we will remember and cherish this connection with Show Hope throughout our adoption journey … and for many, many years to come. 

Orndorff Family
Fain Family

Fain Family

Adopting From Colombia

The first 12 months of our adoption process were filled with paperwork, interviews, fingerprints, documentation, letters, references, trainings, education, home inspections, translations, notaries, medical and psychological evaluations … the list went on and the needle was always moving. Now we wait. No more moving the needle, only fervent prayer. No more timeline or checklist, only hopeful conversations. In this season of waiting, we continue to see the hands and feet of Jesus all around us. When we received our letter from Show Hope awarding our grant, they gave us so much more than financial support toward our adoption—they gave us hope. They reminded us that the needle is indeed still moving.

Fain Family

The Cornerstone of Our Work

The original vision of our Founders, Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, Show Hope's Adoption Aid grants help break down the financial barrier standing between waiting children and families. In fact, more than 8,400 children have been impacted by a Show Hope Adoption Aid grant, coming home to the love, security, and permanency of a family.

And to date, more than 360 children and families have been impacted by the financial gifts raised through Show Hope’s annual 20/20 Campaign. In total, we have been able to award more than $2 million in Adoption Aid grants through this annual campaign alone. 

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